Friday, May 8, 2009


I can tell this is going to be a good day...
I woke up at about 8 in the morning and got ready to drive the hour and a half back home to spend the day with my family. Everything was going well, I eventually got all my things together and headed to the car. First problem: My air wouldn't work. I live in the south, it is hot as hell, and all my AC shoots out is hot air. Great.
I didn't let this bother me, just put down my windows and drove. I had a half a tank of gas and figured that would be enough, even though my car is a piece of shit.
About ten to fifteen minutes in my drive I realize I'm already almost down to a quarter of a tank. My RPM is at 6. I know close to nothing about cars but I do know that the RPM meter thing is not supposed to be close to the red. My gas is declining drastically and I'm no where near half way to home. And on top of that, I'm on this narrow highway with no where to pull over and no exits near by.
Just to let you know, I usually drive 90 on the highway, but this time 65 was my maximum or the RPM thing was going into 7 and that can't be good. My car is making this horribly loud noise that I know isn't good. I'm holding up cars behind me because this is only a two lane road. And don't forget, I'm sitting in a fucking oven.
Finally there's an exit. I get off in the middle of no where, find a gas station, and call my mom. She's scared because she's always worried about my shitty car and she gets nervous easily and exaggerates everything. So she's over there telling me about taking it to the shop immediately and renting a car and who knows what.
I get gas because I'm nearly out, get directions to go home without using the highway, and get back into my oven. Of course, my windows are down so I don't die, and it just so happens to be the start of love bug season. Those little shits were EVERYWHERE!
On my way home I had a pretty emotional moment, very rare for me. I was thinking about how Mother's Day was coming up and how I haven't been the best daughter lately even though I love my mom very much, I just have trouble showing affection so she might now know it. That and since she calls everyday, and usually at the worst times, I sometimes come off as rude on the phone and I don't mean it. But whatever guess I'll just buy her something nice on Sunday.
So I'm done with my rant, now I can continue on to my excitement! Tomorrow, I go to Winghouse to (hopefully) officially secure my job. I know I don't have much to write about now, but soon I'll probably have some interesting waitressing stories to share. How exciting...

By the way, I saw Star Trek yesterday and I usually hate that shit but that was pretty damn good!

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